Welcome to our Urban Garden

Rio Grande Food Project’s Urban Garden is a welcoming space to grow fresh fruits and vegetables on-site and help supplement our food boxes with the highest quality food. In 2019, staff and volunteers built the first 20 raised beds. Then in 2023, The Rio Grande Presbyterian Church gifted the adjacent former Rio Grande Community Garden to the Food Project to expand our food growing and garden education program. This doubled our capacity to grow supplemental produce on-site for the pantry.

From March through November 2024, RGFP is offering for anyone interested in helping while learning how to prep, plant, and manage a garden alongside Albuquerque Master Gardeners. No skills required, just an interest and desire to learn and “dig” in!

Garden Hours:
Welcome Wednesday and Fridays, During Regular Food Distribution 9 – 11 am

The garden is a beautiful and inspiring place to learn, relax, and join our growing community. If you would like to help while discovering more about RGFP and gardening in general, email us at rgfp@rgfp.org.


Vegetable Gardening Series.

STATUSFinished for 2024.